Source: ابجد ‎ - 3 review

"- 3 review" is to link to and "ابجد" is to link to

1. Link text visually separated into two parts by a not link text. Bad.

ابجد - 3 review

2. Link text visually separated into two parts by another link text. Worse

ابجد - 3 review

a) The two links appear as one link text (although visited/not visited color can differentiate). b) Worse, in some browsers (Mozilla SeaMonkey, others have fixed it recently) is unreachable (overridden by

Now with surrounding LRM to "isolate" the link texts.

1st case

ابجد ‎- 3 review

2nd case

ابجد - 3 review

Now Mozilla SeaMonkey is OK