
Term Arabic Transliterated Arabic Persian Transliterated Persian Definition
alignment مُحَاذَاةْ، تَرصِيف muḥādhāt, tarṣīf هم‌ترازی
alphanumeric أَبجَدِي عَدَدِي abjadī ʻadadī الفبایی عددی
appendix مُلحَق mulḥaq ضمیمه
arabic numerals أَرْقَامْ عَرَبِيَة، أَرْقَامْ أُورُوبِيَة arqām ʻarabīah, arqām ūrūbīah ارقام عربی Refer to "European numerals". Use "European numerals" or "ASCII numerals" to avoid confusion.
ascender جُزْءُ الحَرْفِ العُلْوِي juz’u al-ḥarfi al-ʻulwī خط صعود، کرسی بالا
asterisk نَجْمَة najmah ستاره
auto spacing تَبَاعُدْ ذَاتِي، فَرَاغْ آلِي tabāʻud dhātī, farāgh ālī فاصله‌گذاری خودکار
back margin الهَامِشْ الخَلْفِي al-hāmish al-khalfī حاشیهٔ داخلی
back matter بَيَانَاتْ نِهَايَةْ الكِتَابْ bayānāt nihāyat al-kitāb واحدهای پس از متن Appendices, supplements, glossary of terms, index and/or bibliography, and so on, appended at the end of a book.
bad break قَطْعْ سَيِّئْ qaṭʻ sayyi’ شکستن بد، سطرشکنی بد
baseline سَطْرُ الأَسَاسْ satru al-’asās خط کرسی A virtual line on which almost all glyphs in Western fonts are designed to be aligned.
bibliography المَرَاجِعْ al-marājiʻ کتابنامه A list of works and papers related to the subjects in the text.
blank page صَفْحَة فَارِغَة ṣafḥah fārighah صفحهٔ خالی An empty page.
bleed خَارِجْ إِطَارْ الصَّفْحَة khārij iṭār al-ṣafḥah تصویرْ تا بُرِش To print a picture or a tint to run off the edge of a trimmed page.
block direction اِتِّجَاهْ المَقْطَعْ، اِتِّجَاهْ الكُتْلَة ittijāh al-maqṭaʻ, ittijāh al-kutlah جهت نوشتار The progression direction of lines, one after the other.
block quotation كُتْلَة اِقْتِبَاسْ، مُرَبَّعْ اِقْتِبَاسْ kutlat iqtibās, murabbaʻ iqtibās نقل‌قول پاراگرافی
body type الخَطْ الرَّئِيسِي al-khaṭ al-rra’īsī حروف بدنه
bold غَلِيظْ ghalīẓ حرف سیاه A kind of font style. Similar to bold in Western typograpy.
boldface خَطْ غَلِيظْ khaṭ ghalīẓ حرف سیاه
bound on the left-hand side مُلْزِمَة عَلَى الجَانِبْ الأَيْسَرْ mulzimah ʻalá al-jānib al-’aysar صحافی چپ‌به‌راست Binding of a book to be opened from the left.
bound on the right-hand side مُلْزِمَة عَلَى الجَانِبْ الأَيْمَنْ mulzimah ʻalá al-jānib al-’ayman صحافی راست‌به‌چپ Binding of a book to be opened from the right.
bounding box المُرَبَّعْ المُحِيطْ al-murabbaʻ al-muḥīṭ کادر محیطی
box مُرَبَّعْ murabbaʻ کادر، جعبه
braces قَوْسَيْنْ qawsayn آکولاد { and }
brackets قوسين قَوْسَيْنْ مُرَبَّعَيْنْ qawsayn murabbaʻayn کروشه [ and ]
break (a line) فَصْلْ السَّطْرْ، قَطْعْ (سَطْرْ) faṣl al-saṭr, qaṭʻ (saṭr) شکستن (خط)، سطرشکنی To place the first of two adjacent characters at the end of a line and the second at the head of a new line.
broadside وَرَقَة عَلَى صَفْحَة عَرِيضَة waraqah ʻalá ṣafḥah ʻarīḍah یک‌رو In book typography, a sheet of paper printed as one page.
bullet رَمْزْ نَقْطِي ramz naqṭī centered dot
calligraphy فَنُّ الخَطِّ، الخَطُّ (فَنْ الخَطْ، الخَطْ) fannu al-khaṭṭi, al-khaṭṭu (fan al-khaṭ, al-khaṭ) خوشنویسی
caption تَسْمِيَة، عُنْوَانْ tasmīatun, ʻunwānun (tasmīyah, ʻunwān) عنوان، شرح A title or a short description accompanying a picture, an illustration, or a table.
cell خَلِيَّة khalīyah سلول Each element area of tables, cell.
cell contents مُحْتَوَى الخَلِيَّة muḥtawá al-khalīyah محتوای سلول The content of each cell in tables.
cell padding حَشْوْ الخَلِيَّة ḥashw al-khalīyah Spaces between line and cell in tables.
centered alignment توسيط tawsīṭ ترازبندی وسط‌چین
centered dot نقطة موسّطة nuqṭah mūassaṭah
centering توسيط tawsīṭ وسط‌چین کردن To align the center of a run of text that is shorter than a given line length to the center of a line.
chapter فصل، باب faṣl, bāb فصل
character حرف ḥarf حرف
character count عدد الحروف ʻadad al-ḥurūf تعداد حروف
character frame إطار الحرف iṭār al-ḥarf Rectangular area occupied by a character when it is set solid.
character set مجموعة حروف majmūʻat ḥurūf مجموعهٔ حروف
character shape شكل الحرف shakl al-ḥurūf شکل حرف Incarnation of a character by handwriting, printing or rendering to a computer screen.
character size حجم الحرف ḥajm al-ḥarf اندازهٔ حرف Dimensions of a character. Unless otherwise noted, it refers to the size of a character frame in the block direction.
closing bracket قوس إغلاق qaws ighlāq کروشه بسته
code point نقطة ترميز nuqṭat tarmīz
colon نقطتين nuqṭatayn دونقطه
column عمود ʻamūd ستون A partition on a page in multi-column format.
column gap تباعد الأعمدة tabāʻud al-’aʻmidah فاصلهٔ ستون Amount of space between columns on a page.
column spanning عبر الأعمدة ʻabr al-’aʻmidah A setting style of illustrations, tables, etc., over hanging to multiple columns.
column spanning heading رأس عبر الأعمدة ra’s ʻabr al-’aʻmidah Headings using multiple columns.
comma فاصلة fāṣilah ویرگول
composition تركيب tarkīb حروفچینی و صفحه‌بندی Process of arrangement of text, figures and/or pictures, etc on a page in a desired layout (design) in preparation for printing.
compound word کلمة مرکبة kalimah murakkabah کلمهٔ مرکب
continuous pagination ترقيم الصفحات المستمر tarqīm al-ṣṣafaḥāt al-mustamir صفحه‌شماری پیوسته a) To number the pages of a book continuously across all those in the front matter, the text and the back matter. b) To number the pages continuously across those of all books, such as a series published in separate volumes. Also to number the pages continuously across those of all issues of a periodical published in a year, aside from pagination per issue.
control characters حروف تحكم ḥurūf taḥakkum حروف کنترلی
copy نسخة nuskhah نسخه
cover غلاف ghilāf جلد
cut-in heading A style of headings. Headings do not occupy the full lines, but share lines area with following main text lines.
dash واصلة wāṣilah
dedication إهداء ihdā’ اهدائیه
descender line ما تحت السطر mā taḥta al-ssaṭr A descender is the part of a letter extending below the base line, as in 'g', 'j', 'p', 'q', or 'y'. A descender line is a virtual line drawn at the bottom of descender parallel to base line.
diacritical marks علامات التشكيل ʻalāmāt al-ttashkīl اِعراب، نشانه‌های حروف
diagonal fraction جزء قطري juz’ quṭrī
diagram رسم بياني، رسم تخطيطي rasm bayānī, rasm takhṭīṭī نمودار
discretionary hyphen واصلة لينة See "soft hyphen".
display عرض ʻarḍ نمایش
display type نوع العرض nawʻ al-ʻarḍ
document وثيقة، مستند wathīqah, mustanad سند
dpi نقطة في البوصة nuqṭah fī al-būṣah نقطه در اینچ Dots per inch (DPI, or dpi) is a measure of spatial printing.
eastern arabic numerals الأرقام العربية المشرقية al-’arqām al-ʻarabīyah al-mashriqīyah ٠ ١ ٢ ٣ ٤ ٥ ٦ ٧ ٨ ٩
ellipsis عَلَامَة القَطْع، القَطْعْ ʻalāmat al-qaṭʻ, al-qaṭʻ سه‌نقطه
EM (وَحَدَةْ قِيَاسْ) إِمْ، وَحَدَةْ قِيَاسْ النُقْطَة (waḥadah qīās) im, waḥadat qīās al-nuqṭah اِم، ضربه Unit in the field of typography, equal to the currently specified point size. A reference to the width of the capital "M"
em dash خَطْ فاصِلْ مِنْ حَجْمْ اِمْ، وَصْلَة طَوِيلَة khaṭ fṣil min ḥajm im, waṣlah ṭawīlah خط A wide dash, usually of size EM
em space مَسَافَة مِنْ حَجْمْ اِمْ، مَسَافَة طَوِيلَة masāfah min ḥajm im, masāfah ṭawīlah فاصلهٔ اِم A wide space, usually of size EM
EN نصف وحدة قياس النقطة niṣf waḥadat qīās al-nuqṭah اِن ???
en dash وَصْلَة مُتَوَسِّطَة waṣlah mutawassiṭah خط اِن A not-so-wide dash, usually of size EN
en space مَسَافَة مُتَوَسِّطَة masāfah mutawassiṭah فاصلهٔ اِن A not-so-wide space, usually of size EN
encoding تَرْمِيزْ tarmīz کدنگاری
endnote التَّعْلِيقْ الخِتَامِي، حَاشِيَة al-ttaʻlīq al-khitāmī, ḥāshīah A set of notes placed at the end of a part, chapter, section, paragraph and so on, or at the end of a book.
epigraph اِقْتِبَاسْ اَوْ مَقُولَة قَصِيرَة iqtibās aw maqūlah qaṣīrah سرلوحه
European numerals أَرْقَامْ أُورُوبِيَّة arqām ūrūbīyah ارقام اروپایی Any of the symbols in [0-9] used to represent numbers. Sometimes called Arabic numerals or ASCII numerals.
exception dictionary قَامُوسْ الإِسْتِثْنَاءَاتْ qāmūs al-’istithnā’āt
exclamation marks عَلَامَاتْ التَّعَجُّبْ ʻalāmāt al-ttaʻajjub علامت تعجب
figure شَكْلْ shakl تصویر
first-line indent مَسَافَة السَّطْرْ الأَوَّلْ masāfat al-ssaṭr al-’awwal تورفتگی خط اول
fixed-width ثَابِتْ العَرْضْ thābit al-ʻarḍ A characteristic of a font where the same character advance is assigned for all glyphs.
flush left alignment مُحَاذَاة إِلَى اليَمِينْ muḥādhāt ilá al-yamīn
flush right alignment مُحَاذَاة إِلَى اليَسَارْ muḥādhāt ilá al-yasār
folio وَرَقَة، صَفْحَة waraqah, ṣafḥah شمارهٔ صفحه
font الخَطْ al-khaṭ فونت، قلم A set of character glyphs of a given typeface.
font family/typeface family أُسْرَة مِحْرَفْ، أُسْرَة خُطُوطْ usrat miḥraf, usrat khuṭūṭ خانوادهٔ فونت
font metrics مَقَايِيسْ الخَطْ maqāyīs al-khaṭ
foot تَذْيِيلْ tadhyīl پایه a) The bottom part of a book or a page. b) The bottom margin between the edge of a trimmed page and the hanmen (text area)
foot/bottom margin الهاَمِشْ الأَسْفَلْ al-hamish al-’asfal حاشیهٔ پایینی
footnote حَاشِيَة سَفْلِيَة ḥāshīah saflīah پانویس A note in a smaller face than that of main text, placed at the bottom of a page.
fore-edge الحَافة العَمودِيَة الخَارِجِيَة al-ḥāfh al-ʻamwdīah al-khārijīah حاشیهٔ بیرونی a) The three front trimmed edges of pages in a book. b) The opposite sides of the gutter in a book.
format تنْسِيقْ، هَيْئَة tansīq, hay’ah شکل‌بندی، شکل
fraction كَسْرْ Kasr
front matter المَادَّة الأَمَامِيَة al-māddah al-’amāmīah واحدهای پیش از متن The first part of a book followed by the text, usually consisting of a forward, preface, table of contents, list of illustrations, acknowledgement and so on.
full-width تَامْ العَرْضْ tām al-ʻarḍ a) Relative index for the length which is equal to a given character size. b) Character frame which character advance is equal to the amount referred to as a). A full-width character frame is square in shape by definition.
glyph صُورَةْ الرَّمْزْ ṣūrah al-rramz
golden rectangle مستطیل طلایی
golden section بخش طلایی
Greek letters حُرُوفْ يُونَانِيَة ḥurūf yūnānīah حروف یونانی
grid alignment هم‌ترازی شطرنجی
gutter حَاشِیَة ḥāshiyah حاشیه a) The binding side of a spread of a book. b) the margin between the binding edge of a book and the hanmen (text area). c) The part of a book where all pages are bound together to the book spine.
half em نِصْفْ اِمْ niṣf im نیم اِم Half of the full-width size.
half em space مَسَافَة نِصْفْ اِمْ masāfat niṣf im فاصلهٔ نیم اِم Amount of space that is half size of em space.
hang line سَطْرْ مُعَلَّقْ saṭr muʻallaq
hanging indentation تعليق المسافة البادئة
hanging punctuation تعليق علامات الترقيم
head رَأْسْ ra’s سَر a) The top part of a book or a page. b) The top margin between the top edge of a trimmed page and the hanmen (text area)
head/top margin هَامِشْ عُلْوِي hāmish ʻulwī حاشیهٔ بالا
header رَأْسْ ra’s سرصفحه
heading عُنْوَانْ ʻunwān عنوان a) A title of a paper or an article. b) A title for each section of a book, paper or article.
headline عُنْوَانْ رَئِيسِي ʻunwān ra’īsī
headnote تَقْدِمَة taqdimah A kind of notes in vertical writing style, head area in kihon-hanmen is kept beforehand, and notes are set with smaller size font than main text.
hierarchy تسلسل هرمي، ترتيب هرمي سلسله‌مراتب
horizontal writing mode صِيغَة الكِتَابَة الأفُقِيَة ṣīghat al-kitābah al-’fuqīah حالت نوشتار افقی The process or the result of arranging characters on a line from left to right, of lines on a page from top to bottom, and/or of columns on a page from left to right.
hyphen وَاصِلَة wāṣilah نیمخط
hyphenation اِسْتِخْدَامْ الوَاصِلَة istikhdām al-wāṣilah A method of breaking a line by dividing a Western word at the end of a line and adding a hyphen at the end of the first half of the syllable.
hyphenation and justification الوَاصِلَة وَالمُحَاذَاةْ al-wāṣilah wālmuḥādhāt Also abbreviated as H&J
hyphenation routine إِجْرَاءْ الوَاصِلَة ijrā’ al-wāṣilah
illustrations رَسْمْ تَوْضِيحِي، صُورَة إِيضَاحِيَّة rasm tawḍīḥī, ṣūrahīḍāḥīyah تصویر A general term referring to a diagram, chart, cut, figure, picture and the like, to be used for printed materials.
indentation إِزَاحَة، مَسَافَة بَادِئَة izāḥah, masāfah bādi’ah فاصلهٔ سرِ سطر، تورفتگی سرِ سطر
independent pagination تَرْقِيمْ الصَّفَحَاتْ مُسْتَقِلْ tarqīm al-ṣṣafaḥāt mustaqil صفحه‌بندی مستقل To number the pages of the front matter, the text and the back matter independently.
index فَهْرَسْ fahras فهرست راهنما A list of terms or subjects with page numbers for where they are referred to in a single or multiple volumes of a book.
initial أَوَّلِي awwalī آغازین
inline direction الاِتِّجَاهْ السَّطْرِي al-ittijāh al-ssaṭrī Text direction in a line.
input إِدْخَالْ idkhāl ورودی
inseparable characters rule A line adjustment rule that prohibits inserting any space between specific combinations of characters.
italics مَائِلْ mā’il ایتالیک
itemization وَضْعْ بُنُودْ، تَبْوِيبْ، عَنَاصِرْ waḍʻ bunūd, tabwīb, ʻanāṣir To list ordered or unordered items one under the other.
justified alignment مُحَاذَاةْ مَضْبُوطَة muḥādhāt maḍbūṭah هم‌ترازی میزان
kashida الْكَشِيدَة، التَّطْوِيلْ al-kashīdah, al-ttaṭwīl کشیده
label name اِسْمْ بِطَاقَةْ العَنْوَنَة ism biṭāqat al-ʻanwanah Text following or followed by numbers for illustrations, tables, headings and running headings.
Latin letters حُرُوف لَاتِينِيَّة ḥurūf lātīnīyah حروف لاتین
layout نَسْقْ، تَصْمِيمْ nasq, taṣmīm قالب‌بندی
leading قِيَادِي qīādī
letter face صُورَةْ الحَرْفْ ṣūrat al-ḥarf Area in which glyph is drawn.
lettering تَرْقِينْ، كِتَابَة tarqīn, kitābah طراحی حروف
letterpress printing طِبَاعَةْ الحُرُوفْ ṭibāʻat al-ḥurūf چاپ برجسته The traditional printing method using movable type.
letterspacing تَبَاعُدْ الحُرُوفْ tabāʻud al-ḥurūf فاصلهٔ حروف
ligature رَبْطْ بَيْنَ الحُرُوفْ rabṭ bayna al-ḥurūf
line سَطْرْ saṭr خط
line adjustment مُحَاذَاةْ السَّطْرْ muḥādhāt al-ssaṭr تنظیم خط A method of aligning both edges of all lines to be the same given length by removing or adding adjustable spaces.
line adjustment by hanging punctuation مُحَاذَاة السَّطْرْ بِتَعْلِيقْ عَلَامَاتْ التَّرْقِيمْ muḥādhāt al-ssaṭr bitaʻlīq ʻalāmāt al-ttarqīm A line breaking rule to avoid commas or full stops at a line head (which is prohibited in Japanese typography) by taking them back to the end of the previous line beyond the specified line length.
line adjustment by inter-character space expansion مُحَاذَاة السَّطْرْ بِتَوسِيع المَسَاحَاتْ بَيْنَ المَحَارِفْ muḥādhāt al-ssaṭr bitawsīʻ al-masāḥāt bayna al-maḥārif A line breaking rule that aligns both edges of a line by expanding inter-character spaces. .
line breaking rules قَوَاعِد كَسْرْ السَّطْرْ qawāʻid kasr al-ssaṭr A set of rules to avoid prohibited layout in Japanese typography, such as "line-start prohibition rule", "line-end prohibition rule", inseparable or unbreakable character sequences and so on.
line end نِهَايَة السَّطْرْ nihāyat al-ssaṭr انتهای خط The position at which a line ends.
line end alignment مُحَاذَاة نِهَايَة السَّطْرْ muḥādhāt nihāyat al-ssaṭr هم‌ترازی انتهای خط To align a run of text to the line end.
line end indent مَسَافَة بَدْئْ نِهَايَة السَّطْرْ masāfat bad’ nihāyat al-ssaṭr تورفتگی انتهای خط To reserve a certain amount of space before the default position of a line end.
line feed تَغْذِيَة السَّطْرْ taghdhīat al-ssaṭr The distance between two adjacent lines measured by their reference points.
line gap فَجْوَة السَّطْرْ fajwat al-ssaṭr فاصلهٔ بین خطوط The smallest amount of space between adjacent lines.
line head رَأْسْ السَّطْرْ ra’s al-ssaṭr سرِ سطر The position at which a line starts.
line head alignment مُحَاذَاة رَأْسْ السَّطْرْ muḥādhāt ra’s al-ssaṭr هم‌ترازیِ سر سطر To align a run of text to the line head.
line head indent مَسَافَة بَدْئْ رَأْسْ السَّطْرْ masāfat bad’ ra’s al-ssaṭr فاصلهٔ سر سطر، تو رفتگی سر سطر To reserve a certain amount of space after the default position of a line head.
line height اِرْتِفَاعْ الخَطْ irtifāʻ al-khaṭ ارتفاع خط
line length طُولُ السَطْرْ ṭūlu al-saṭr طول خط Length of a line with a pre-defined number of characters. When the line is indented at the line head or the line end, it is length of the line from the specified amount of line head indent to the specified amount of line end indent.
line spacing تَبَاعُدْ الأَسْطُرْ tabāʻud al-’asṭur
line-end prohibition rule قَاعِدَة حَظْرْ نِهَايَة السَّطْرْ qāʻidat ḥaẓr nihāyat al-ssaṭr A line breaking rule that prohibits specific characters at a line end.
line-start prohibition rule قَاعِدَة حَظْرْ بِدَايَة السَّطْرْ qāʻidat ḥaẓr bidāyat al-ssaṭr A line breaking rule that prohibits specific characters at a line head.
list قَائِمَة، لَائِحَة qā’imah, lā’iḥah فهرست
long dash شَرْطَة طَوِيلَة sharṭah ṭawīlah
main text نَصْ رَئِيسِي naṣ ra’īsī متن اصلی a) The principal part of a book, usually preceded by the front matter, followed by the back matter. b) The principal part of an article excluding figures, tables, heading, notes, leads and so on. c) The content of a page excluding running heads and page numbers. d) The net contents of a book excluding covers, end papers, insets and so on.
margin هَامِشْ hāmish حاشیه
measure قِيَاسْ qīās مقیاس، اندازه
measurement قِيَاسْ qīās اندازه‌گیری
mixed text composition تَرْكِيبَة النَّصْ المُخْتَلِطْ tarkībah al-nnaṣ al-mukhtaliṭ a) To interleave Japanese text with Western text in a line (Japanese and Western mixed text composition). b) To compose text with different sizes of characters (mixed size composition). c) To compose text with different typefaces (mixed typeface composition).
mixing typefaces خَلْطْ أنْمَاطْ الخُطُوطْ khalṭ anmāṭ al-khuṭūṭ ترکیب قلم‌ها
modular grid شَبَكَة وَحَدَاتْ، شَبَكَة مُرَكَّبَة مِنْ وَحَدَاتْ shabakah waḥadāt, shabakah murakkabat min waḥadāt شطرنجی مُدولی
multi-column format تَنْسِيقْ مُتَعَدِّدْ الأَعْمِدَة tansīq mutaʻaddid al-’aʻmidah شکل‌بندی چندستونی A format of text on a page where text is divided into two or more sections (columns) in the inline direction and each column is separated by a certain amount of space (column space).
multi-column grid شَبَكَة مُتَعَدِّدَة الأَعْمِدَة shabakah mutaʻaddidat al-’aʻmidah شطرنجی چندستونی
multivolume work عَمَلْ مُتَعَدِّدْ الأَجْزاءْ ʻamal mutaʻaddid al-’ajz’ اثر چند جلدی A set of work published in two or more volumes, as in the complete work or the first/last half volumes.
new column عَمُودْ جَدِيدْ ʻamūd jadīd ستون جدید In multi-column setting, to change to new column before the end of current column.
new recto صَفْحَة يُمْنَى جَدِيدَة ṣafḥah yumná jadīdah آغاز در صفحهٔ فرد To start a new heading or something on a odd page.
no-break text عَدَمْ تَفَكُّكْ النَّصْ، نَصْ دُونَ اِنْفِكَاكْ ʻadam tafakkuk al-nnaṣ, naṣ dūna infikāk
nonbreaking hyphen وَاصِلَة غَيْرْ مُنْقَسِمَة wāṣilah ghayr munqasimah
nonbreaking word space فَضَاءْ كَلِمَة غَيْرْ مُنْقَسِمْ faḍā’ kalimah ghayr munqasim
note مُلَاحَظَة mulāḥaẓah یادداشت Explanatory information added to terms, figures or tables.
number of characters per line عَدَدْ الأَحْرُف فِي كُلِّ سَطْرْ ʻadad al-’aḥruf fī kulli saṭr تعداد حروف در خط Number of characters in a line to specify the length of lines.
number of columns عَدَدْ الأَعْمِدَة ʻadad al-’aʻmidah تعداد ستون‌ها Number of columns on a page.
numerals الأَعْدَادْ، الأَرْقَامْ al-’aʻdād, al-’arqām اعداد
one em space مَسَافَة اِمْ وَاحِدَة masāfat im wāḥidah فاصلهٔ اِم Amount of space that is full-width size.
one third em ثُلُثْ اِمْ thuluth im یک‌سوم اِم One third of the full-width size.
one third em space مَسَافَة ثُلُثْ اِمْ masāfat thuluth im فاصلهٔ یک‌سوم اِم Amount of space that is one third size of em space.
opening brackets فَتْحْ قَوْسَيْنْ fatḥ qawsayn کروشه باز
optical size حَجْمْ بَصَرِي ḥajm baṣarī
optical spacing تَبَاعُدْ بَصَرِي tabāʻud baṣarī
orientation تَوَجُّهْ tawajjuh جهت
ornament زَخْرَفَة zakhrafah تزئینی
outdent إِلْغَاءْ التَّأخِيرْ، إِلْغَاءْ الإِزَاحَة ilghā’ al-tta’khīr, ilghā’ al-’izāḥah
overhang عبء ʻib’
overrun تَجَاوُزْ، اِجْتِيَاحْ tajāwuz, ijtīāḥ
page صَفْحَة ṣafḥah صفحه A side of a sheet of paper in a written work such as a book.
page break فَاصِلْ صَفْحَة fāṣil ṣafḥah To end a page even if it is not full and to start a new page with the next paragraph, a new heading and so on.
page format شَكْلْ الصَّفْحَة shakl al-ṣṣafḥah شکل‌بندی صفحه The layout and presentation of a page with text, graphics and other elements for a publication such as a book.
page number رَقْمْ الصَّفْحَة raqm al-ṣṣafḥah شمارهٔ صفحه A sequential number to indicate the order of pages in a publication.
pagination تَرْقِيمْ الصَّفَحَاتْ tarqīm al-ṣṣafaḥāt صفحه‌شماری
paragraph فَقْرَة faqrah پاراگراف A group of sentences to be processed for line composition. A paragraph consists of one or more lines.
paragraph break اِنْقِطَاعْ الفَقْرَة، كَسْرْ الفَقْرَة inqiṭāʻ al-faqrah, kasr al-faqrah شکستن پاراگراف To start a new line to indicate a new paragraph.
paragraph format تَنْسِيقْ الفَقْرَة tansīq al-faqrah شکل‌بندی پاراگراف A format of a paragraph, as in line head indent or line end indent.
paragraph indent هَامِشْ الفَقْرَة، المَسَافَة البَادِئَة لِلْفَقْرَة hāmish al-faqrah, al-masāfah al-bādi’ah lilfaqrah تورفتگی پاراگراف
parenthesis أَقْوَاسْ aqwās پرانتز
period نُقْطَة nuqṭah نقطه
pixel بكسل، بيكسل biksl, bīksil پیکسل
point نُقْطَة nuqṭah نقطه A measurement unit of character size. 1 point is equal to 0.3514mm (see JIS Z 8305). There is another unit to measure character sizes called Q, where 1Q is equivalent to 0.25mm.
polyglot مُتَعَدِّدْ اللُغَاتْ mutaʻaddid al-lughāt
printing types أَنْوَاعْ الطِّبَاعَة anwāʻ al-ṭṭibāʻah Movable type used for letterpress printing.
proportional مُتَنَاسِبٌ mutanāsibun A characteristic of a font where character advance is different per glyph.
proportional fonts الخُطُوطْ المُتَنَاسِبَة al-khuṭūṭ al-mutanāsibah
punctuation marks عَلَامَاتْ التَّرْقِيمْ ʻalāmāt al-ttarqīm A general term referring to the symbols used in text composition to help make the meaning of text clearer, as in commas, full stops, question marks, brackets, diereses and so on.
quad رُبَاعِيَة rubāʻīah
quarter em رُبْعْ اِمْ rubʻ im رُبع اِم Quarter size of full-width.
quarter em space مَسَاحَة رُبْعْ اِمْ masāḥat rubʻ im فاصلهٔ رُبع اِم Amount of space that is a quarter of an em space in size.
quarter em width عُرْضْ رُبْعْ اِمْ ʻurḍ rubʻ im پهنای رُبع اِم Character frame which has a character advance of a quarter em.
question mark عَلَامَة اِسْتِفْهَامْ ʻalāmat istifhām علامت سوال
quotation اِقْتِبَاسْ iqtibās Excerps from other published works.
rag خَرَقَة؟ kharaqah
reference marks العَلَامَاتْ المَرْجِعِيَة al-ʻalāmāt al-marjiʻīah A symbol or short run of text attached to a specific part of text, to which notes are provided followed by the corresponding marks.
reference number الرَّقْمْ المَرْجِعِي al-rraqm al-marjiʻī
reverse pagination تَرْقِيمْ الصَّفَحَاتْ عَكْسِي tarqīm al-ṣṣafaḥāt ʻaksī Numbering pages of a book backwards.
reversed type نَوْعٌ عَكْسْ nawʻun ʻaks
river نَهْرْ nahr
river of white
Roman numerals الأَرْقَامْ الرُّومَانِيَة al-’arqām al-rrūmānīah اعداد رومی Numerals represented by upper case or lower case of Latin letters.
romanization الكِتَابَة بِالحُرُوفْ اللَاتِينِيَة al-kitābah bilḥurūf al-lātīnīah لاتین‌نویسی
rule قَاعِدَة qāʻidah
run back تشغيل مرة أخرى
title mark عَلَامَةْ عُنْوَانْ ʻalāmat ʻunwān
run down الخُطوُطْ العَرِيضَة لِلْمُحْتَوَيَاتْ al-khuṭwuṭ al-ʻarīḍah lilmuḥtawayāt In video production, an outline of the contents of a program,
run in فِي نَفْسِ الخَطْ fī nafsi al-khaṭ In typography, any copy—specifically a head—designed to be set in the same line as the text.
run-in heading عُنْوَانْ بِدُونِ اِنْقِطَاعْ ʻunwān bidūni inqiṭāʻ A kind of heading style to continue main text just after the heading without line break.
runaround فَرَاغْ نَائِبْ عَنْ صُورَة إِيضَاحِيَة farāgh nā’ib ʻan ṣūrah īḍāḥīah In typography, copy typeset so that it will create a "hole" on the page to fit an illustration
running feet عُنْوَانْ فِي الجُزْءِ السَّفْلِي مِنْ صَفَحَاتْ مُتَتَالِيَة ʻunwān fī al-juz’i al-ssaflī min ṣafaḥāt mutatālīah
running heads عُنْوَانْ فِي الجُزْءِ العُلْوِي مِنْ صَفَحَاتْ مُتَتَالِيَة ʻunwān fī al-juz’i al-ʻulwī min ṣafaḥāt mutatālīah A heading—such as a book title, chapter title, or author—that is located at the top of consecutive pages,
runover تَشْغِيلْ أَكْثَرْ tashghīlakthar
scale مِقْيَاسْ، نِطَاقْ miqyās, niṭāq
script النَّصْ، الكِتَابَة al-nnaṣ, al-kitābah
second indenetation المَسَافَة البَادِئَة الثَّانِيَة al-masāfah al-bādi’ah al-ththānīah
second level heading عُنْوَانْ المُسْتَوَى الثَّانِي ʻunwān al-mustawá al-ththānī Second level and middle size heading between first level heading and third level heading.
semicolon فَاصِلَة مَنْقُوطَة fāṣilah manqūṭah نقطه‌ویرگول
sentence جُمْلَة jumlah جمله
sideheads رُؤُوسْ الجَانِبْ ru’ūs al-jānib
single line alignment method طَرِيقَة المُحَاذَاة لِسَطْرٍ وَاحِدْ ṭarīqat al-muḥādhāt lisaṭrin wāḥid To align a run of text that is shorter than a given line length to designated positions.
single running head method طَرِيقَة الرَأْسْ بِتَشْغِيلْ وَاحِدْ ṭarīqat al-ra’s bitashghīl wāḥid A method that puts running heads only on odd pages.
sinkage فَرَاغْ عَمُودِي إضَافِي farāgh ʻamūdī iḍāfī
soft hyphen وَاصِلَة لَيِّنَة wāṣilah layyinah
solidus العَلَامَة المَائِلَة al-ʻalāmah al-mā’ilah
sorting التَّرْتِيبْ al-ttartīb ترتیب
space فَرَاغْ farāgh فاصله Amount of space between adjacent characters or lines. It also refers to the blank area between the edges of a hanmen or an illustration and text or other hanmen elements.
spacing التَّبَاعُدْ al-ttabāʻud فاصله‌گذاری
spine العَمُودْ al-ʻamūd
spread اِنْتِشَارْ Any two facing pages when opening a book and the like.
stem جذع
style أسلوب، النمط intishār شیوه
style guide دَلِيلْ النَّمَطْ dalīl al-nnamaṭ شیوه‌نامه
subheads العَنَاوِينْ الفَرْعِيَّة al-ʻanāwīn al-farʻīyah
subscript (inferior) نَصْ مُنْخَفِضْ (أَسْفَلْ) naṣṣ munkhafiḍ (’asfal) Smaller face of characters, attached to the lower right or the lower left of a normal size character.
subtitle عُنْوَانْ فَرْعِي ʻunwān farʻī زیرنویس Secondary title for headings, subtile.
superior numeral الرَّقْمْ العُلْوِي al-rraqm al-ʻulwī
superscript (superior) نَصْ مُرْتَفِعْ (أَعْلَى) naṣṣ murtafiʻ (’aʻlá) Smaller face of characters, attached to the upper right or the upper left of a normal size character.
symbol رَمْزْ ramz
tab عَلَامَة التَّبْوِيبْ ʻalāmat al-ttabwīb
tab setting وَضْعْ عَلَامَة التَّبْوِيبْ waḍʻ ʻalāmat al-ttabwīb A method of line composition to align one or more runs of text to designated positions on a line.
table جَدْوَلْ jadwal جدول Formatted data consisting of characters or numbers, arranged in cells and sometimes divided by lines, in order to present the data in a way that is easier to understand.
table of contents جَدْوَلْ المُحْتَوَيَاتْ، الفِهْرِسْ jadwal al-muḥtawayāt, al-fihris فهرست مطالب A list of headings of contents of a book in page order or arranged by subjects, with page numbers on which each section begins.
tail margin الهاَمِشْ الأَسْفَلْ al-hamish al-’asfal
text نَصْ naṣṣ متن
text direction اِتِّجَاهْ النَّصْ ittijāh al-nnaṣ جهت متن Horizontal setting or vertical setting.
thin space فَرَاغْ رَقِيقْ farāgh raqīq
third level heading عُنْوَانْ المُسْتَوَى الثَّالِثْ ʻunwān al-mustawá al-ththālith Headings for smallest or minimum unit of main text in books.
top level heading عُنْوَانْ المُسْتَوَى الأَعْلَى ʻunwān al-mustawá al-’aʻlá Headings for largest or muximum unit of main text in books.
tracking ضَبْطْ تَبَاعُدْ الحُرُوفْ ḍabṭ tabāʻud al-ḥurūf
transliteration التَّرْجَمَة الصَّوْتِيَة al-ttarjamah al-ṣṣawtīah حرف‌نویسی
trim size حَجْمْ التَّقْلِيمْ، حَجْمْ القَصْ ḥajm al-ttaqlīm, ḥajm al-qaṣṣi Dimensions of a full page in a publication, including margins.
type page جُزْءُ الصَّفْحَة الخَاصْ بِالكِتَابَة juz’u al-ṣṣafḥah al-khāṣ bilkitābah The portion of a page within the prescribed margins where type, graphics, and other page elements can be added
type size حَجْمْ الحَرْفْ بِالنُّقْطَة ḥajm al-ḥarf bilnnuqṭahu
type styles أنماط الكتابة The measure of the height of the characters of a font, measured in points.
type-picking نوع قطف انتخاب فونت To select metal type for characters needed to print a manuscript. (Metal type is stored in a type case, but because the number of Japanese characters is very large, an extra operation was invented that involves collecting type in a so-called 'bunsen box' before typesetting a manuscript using a composing stick.)
typeface مِحْرَفْ miḥraf فونت، قلم A set of letters or symbols, which are designed to have coherent patterns to be used for printing or rendering to a computer screen.
typesetting تَنْضِيدْ، تَنْضِيدْ الحُرُوفْ الْمَطْبَعِيَّة tanḍīd, tanḍīd al-ḥurūf al-maṭbaʻīyah حروفچینی
typography طِبَاعَة الحُرُوفْ، أُسْلُوبْ الطِّبَاعَة ṭibāʻat al-ḥurūf,uslūb al-ṭṭibāʻah تایپوگرافی
unbreakable characters rule قَاعِدَة أَحْرُفْ غَيْرْ قَابِلَة لِلْكسْرْ qāʻidat aḥruf ghayr qābilah lilksr A line breaking rule that prohibits breaking a line between consecutive dashes or leaders, or between other specific combinations of characters.
underline تَسْطِيرْ مِنْ تَحْتْ tasṭīr min taḥt A line drawn under a character or a run of text in horizontal writing mode.
unicameral أُحَادِى المَجْلِسْ uḥādī al-majlis
Unicode يُونِيكُودْ yūnīkūd یونی‌کُد
vertical writing mode وَضْعْ الكِتَابَة العَمُودِي waḍʻ al-kitābah al-ʻamūdī حالت نوشتار عمودی The process or the result of arranging characters on a line from top to bottom, of lines on a page from right to left, and/or of columns on a page from top to bottom.
volume حَجْمْ ḥajm جلد
weight ثِقَلْ thiqal A measurement of the thickness of fonts.
Western alphabet الأَبَجَدِيَة الغَرْبِيَّة al-’abajadīah al-gharbīyah
Western languages اللُغَاتْ الغَرْبِيَّة al-lughāt al-gharbīyah
widow أَرْمَلَة armalah The term in Western text layout to describe that the last line of a paragraph with only a few words appears at the top of a new page or a column.
widow adjustment تَعْدِيلْ أَرْمَلَة taʻdīl armalah A method of line composition to adjust lines in a paragraph so that the last line consists of more than a given number of characters.
word division قِسْمْ كَلِمَة qism kalimah
word space مَسَاحَة كَلِمَة masāḥat kalimah
x-height س الاِرْتِفَاعْ